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Heropreneurs Runners Complete the London Landmarks Half Marathon

We would like to say a huge well done and thank you to all the runners who took part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon last month.

On Sunday 3rd April Emily McGuirk of Small Steps Big Vision, Jon Reynolds and Jon Oates of Fish Bladder Games, Humphrey Maddan of Remaker, together with the charity’s Marketing & Events Manager Jenny Monaghan, all successfully crossed the London Landmarks Half Marathon's finish line.

Smashing their initial group target of £2,500, our runners have raised over £3,140 for Heropreneurs. The money that has been raised for the charity means we can help those from the military community succeed with their businesses whilst ensuring our mentoring programme and services remain free at the point of use.

When raising funds via their networks, our runners built a strong team dynamic before the half marathon.

We set up a WhatsApp group to keep us all on track and build a sense of teamwork’ Jenny explains ‘Even though we haven’t been able to get together in person, it meant we were able to share experiences, personal best times, music playlists and injury recovery tips – it’s been great for morale.’

Congratulations and a huge thank you to all the runners from The Heropreneurs Team.

We are looking forward to creating more fundraising events throughout the year. You can sign up to receive email updates on news, workshops, and future events here.

We would also like to thank Stootz Printing who has sponsored and provided the branded running shirts. Owned by another army veteran who is thriving in running his own print, vinyl, and embroidery business.

Share your feedback with us

As a charity, we are constantly striving to deliver the greatest value to our community, and we believe that that can only be achieved through communication with those who use our services, so don’t be shy!

Please get in touch with us and share your thoughts on what we’re doing right, and how we could improve our offering for you, our community, and even further.

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