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Some veterans find leaving the armed forces and returning to civilian life a huge struggle, sometimes resulting in homelessness, mental health issues, physical problems and family breakdown.  The Veterans’ Foundation is a charity that was created to raise funds for military-related charities that do excellent and effective work to help these veterans, and it favours those smaller charities that tend to struggle to raise funds, particularly in the economic climate in the wake of Covid-19. 

This award seeks to recognise an organisation that has given outstanding help to veterans in need, and shown innovation and entrepreneurial qualities in doing so.

CLOSING DATE: Friday 24th June 2022 at 5pm. 

Qualifying Criteria

Nominated organisations must be able to show:

  • Energy, passion and dedication 

  • Innovation

  • Growth, sufficient to meet their objectives (NB not all charities need to grow to achieve their objectives)

  • Success (numbers, helping those with complex needs etc)

  • A nominated organisation must be under 10 years old

  • A nominated organisation must have reserves of under £1million

  • Individuals within a larger organisation may be considered for discretionary recognition.

The Veterans' Foundation Award 2022

The Veterans' Foundation Award 2022

Nomination Form Tips

  • Make sure you answer each question with the information required.

  • Provide a narrative – not bullet points.

  • Remember the Judges will be looking for information about how you work to support Veterans in need.

  • Each question has a limited word count for your answer.  Make sure you cover all that is relevant as you won’t be able to go beyond the allowed number of words.

  • Please note, if you quit the browser before submitting your nomination, your work will not be saved.

  • Consider drafting your answer to each question in Word (and doing a word-count check), then completing the form using cut and paste.  That way you can revisit your details before making your final submission.

  • If you are nominating a charity and you do not have the information to answer some of the questions then please leave the field blank. If necessary, we will contact the nominee to request the information.

The Veterans' Foundation Award 2022 nomination form

Nominator Details (if applicable)

Please complete the following questions:

Thanks for your nomination!

Submit The Veterans' Foundation Award 2021 Nomination
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